The Sixth Last Word: “It is finished” (John 19:30)

30 When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

With the sixth word, Jesus expresses relief that his pain is finally ending. However, there is much more involved here. More than a cry of relief this is a cry of triumph, because he has accomplished his mission. Through his sacrifice, he has inaugurated the kingdom of God and revealed the depth of God’s love for humanity as well as his grace. Through the crucifixion, Jesus embodied this love and grace. In doing so, he opens up the way for all of us to be part of God’s kingdom.

In reality, what Jesus literally says is “it is perfected”: the crucifixion shows us the perfection of God’s love for us. Therefore, this sixth word has important consequences for us since it invites us to try to love perfectly as well. We will fail all too frequently in the here and now, but ultimately we will reach the fulness of love at the end.

Until that day arrives, whatever happens, Jesus’ cry of victory from the cross offers us hope. As St. Paul tells us, nothing can separate us from the love of God, and we see this clearly in the sixth word where we learn that God cries victory when he demonstrates the limitlessness of his love. Each of the seven last words illustrate in greater depth the extent of Jesus’ love for us. Because of what Jesus did on the cross, the world has changed, and we can live in the confidence of Jesus’ cry.

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