Calling to God (Hosea 7:11-16)

11 “Ephraim is like a dove, easily deceived and senseless—now calling to Egypt, now turning to Assyria. 12 When they go, I will throw my net over them; I will pull them down like the birds in the sky. When I hear them flocking together, I will catch them. 13 Woe to them, because they have strayed from me! Destruction toContinue reading “Calling to God (Hosea 7:11-16)”

Israel’s Sins (Hosea 7:1-10)

1 Whenever I would heal Israel, the sins of Ephraim are exposed and the crimes of Samaria revealed. They practice deceit, thieves break into houses, bandits rob in the streets; 2 but they do not realize that I remember all their evil deeds. Their sins engulf them; they are always before me. 3 “They delight the king with theirContinue reading “Israel’s Sins (Hosea 7:1-10)”

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