Introduction to the Book of Hosea

Most scholars think that the book of Hosea was written between 760 and 720 BC in the north kingdom of Israel. We have little historical information about Hosea and his family. In his book, Hosea tells us little about himself or his family except in relation to his prophecies. He mentions a wife in chaptersContinue reading “Introduction to the Book of Hosea”

Major Themes of the Minor Prophets

The twelve books of the minor prophets were written at different times and by very different people but they do have some common themes. Fundamentally, the prophets speak about God’s relationship with his chosen people, who constantly disappoint him. They do terrible things, he gets angry and punishes them, they repent and then the wholeContinue reading “Major Themes of the Minor Prophets”

Introduction to the Minor Prophets

In 2022-2023, at St. Joseph’s bible study, we’ll be studying the minor prophets. These are the last books of the Old Testament and so make a kind of bridge to the New Testament. They show Israel’s unfaithfulness and failures but they also give hope. The people of God, who signed a covenant with him onContinue reading “Introduction to the Minor Prophets”

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