Calling to God (Hosea 7:11-16)

11 “Ephraim is like a dove, easily deceived and senseless—now calling to Egypt, now turning to Assyria. 12 When they go, I will throw my net over them; I will pull them down like the birds in the sky. When I hear them flocking together, I will catch them. 13 Woe to them, because they have strayed from me! Destruction toContinue reading “Calling to God (Hosea 7:11-16)”

The Fall of the North Kingdom Retold (2 Kings 18:9-12)

9 In King Hezekiah’s fourth year, which was the seventh year of Hoshea son of Elah king of Israel, Shalmaneser king of Assyria marched against Samaria and laid siege to it. 10 At the end of three years the Assyrians took it. So Samaria was captured in Hezekiah’s sixth year, which was the ninth year of Hoshea king ofContinue reading “The Fall of the North Kingdom Retold (2 Kings 18:9-12)”

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