Third Sunday of Easter, Year A, Gospel Commentary (Luke 24:13-35)

13 Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. 14 They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. 15 As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them; 16 but they were kept from recognizing him. 17 He asked them, “What areContinue reading “Third Sunday of Easter, Year A, Gospel Commentary (Luke 24:13-35)”

Ascension Gospel Commentary (Luke 24:46-53)

46 He told them, “This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, 47 and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. 48 You are witnesses of these things. 49 I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until youContinue reading “Ascension Gospel Commentary (Luke 24:46-53)”

Wednesday of Easter Week, Gospel Commentary (Luke 24:13-35)

13 Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. 14 They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. 15 As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them; 16 but they were kept from recognizing him. 17 He asked them, “WhatContinue reading “Wednesday of Easter Week, Gospel Commentary (Luke 24:13-35)”

Easter Triduum: Vigil Gospel Commentary (Luke 24:1-12)

On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. 2 They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3 but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4 While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothesContinue reading “Easter Triduum: Vigil Gospel Commentary (Luke 24:1-12)”

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